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Navigating addiction recovery as an older adult poses unique challenges, especially when considering treatment options that often seem geared toward younger populations. Providing addiction treatment for older adults demands a compassionate approach that understands the intricacies of their life experiences and health conditions. In this article, we’ll explore how mature individuals can find holistic and age-specific recovery solutions through the pioneering caregivers associated with the Hanley Foundation.

As older adults navigate addiction recovery, tailored care is crucial. Hanley Foundation offers addiction treatment for seniors, through its innovative Hanley Center, pioneers in age-specific addiction treatment. Acknowledging the unique needs of mature individuals, Hanley offers comprehensive health assessments, counseling addressing life experiences, frequent medical check-ups, family involvement, wellness programs, pain management alternatives, cognitive support, and age-appropriate group activities. Health-related concerns like chronic disorders and mental health issues are carefully managed, emphasizing a multifaceted approach that includes personalized aftercare plans. Hanley Center’s holistic and individualized approach prioritizes safety, family support, and continuing care, making it a transformative choice for older adults seeking a successful path to recovery.

Age-Specific Needs of Mature Adults

  • Seniors benefit from a thorough health assessment that considers age-related medical issues, potential pharmaceutical interactions, and the overall impact on treatment.
  • Mature adults should receive counseling services that recognize the particular life experiences and issues that they confront, such as loss of loved ones and loss of independence, establishing a safe and relatable therapeutic setting.
  • Aging individuals often need more frequent medical check-ups to address age-related health risks with a quick response to any emerging medical issues throughout therapy.
  • Older adults benefit from family participation and education, stemming from the importance of family dynamics in the lives of older citizens and their potential support system.
  • Mature adults with access to wellness programs that cater to seniors’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being can create a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  • Older adults need safe measures to address chronic pain, with a focus on alternative pain management methods to reduce reliance on narcotics.
  • Mature men and women in treatment benefit from cognitive support services to treat any memory or cognitive concerns, ensuring effective communication and participation in the healing process.
  • Social connections should be fostered by organizing age-appropriate group activities that allow older adults to share their experiences, support one another, and overcome feelings of isolation.
  • Aging adults can receive personalized aftercare plans that take into account their specific needs, such as ongoing medical support, social involvement, and ongoing counseling.

Health-Related Concerns of Seniors

Older persons dealing with substance use problems sometimes have a number of co-morbid health conditions, which adds to the complexity of their management. Chronic disorders such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and impaired liver function are common and must be managed carefully. Mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety, may coexist alongside substance abuse, needing a multifaceted approach to address both. Furthermore, the aging process may contribute to cognitive impairment, complicating the rehabilitation process. Effective treatment for older adults necessitates a personalized strategy that takes into account the delicate interplay of substance use and co-occurring health issues.

If you or a loved one need help, call our admissions team today at 855-809-4673.

Pioneers of Age-Specific Substance Treatment

Hanley Center’s innovative approach to age-specific therapy has reshaped the landscape of addiction recovery, particularly for people entering treatment in their retirement years. Hanley Center creates an environment of understanding, support, and specialized care by providing personalized programs that meet the unique needs of older persons. This technique is revolutionary for persons receiving treatment for the first time after retirement. It recognizes this demographic’s unique life experiences, health considerations, and social dynamics, generating a sense of relevance and relatability in their recovery path. Hanley Center allows individuals to manage the problems of substance use in a way that resonates with their life stage by providing focused, age-specific therapies, promoting a supportive and successful road to recovery.

Get Help at Hanley Center

Our cutting-edge residential addiction treatment for older adults program at Hanley Center provides a thorough and individualized approach to addiction treatment for seniors. We prioritize our patients’ safety and well-being by providing 24-hour medical care and medically supervised detox. Our Five-Day Family Program emphasizes the value of family support during the recovery process. Participating in recreational and wellness therapies aids in holistic rehabilitation. Continuing care planning facilitates a smooth transition following treatment. Our educational focus involves teaching recovery principles, while spiritual care programs give a solid foundation for lasting recovery.

Hanley Foundation’s West Palm Beach facility, Hanley Center, offers comprehensive addiction recovery treatment services. As pioneers in age and gender-specific treatment, Hanley provides patients with a holistic and individualized approach to care. Hanley delivers a broad range of programming for drug, alcohol, and mental health disorders in an intimate setting designed and led by experts. From detoxification and medical stabilization to individualized treatment and continuing care planning, Hanley Center’s highly skilled multidisciplinary team delivers exceptional care with a staff that includes physicians, clinicians, therapists, wellness specialists, and more.