Does Hanley Foundation issue receipts for tax purposes?

Yes, Hanley Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization designated by the Internal Revenue Code. When you contribute over $10 to Hanley Foundation, you will receive a charitable tax receipt for income tax purposes.

Where can I find a copy of your current Form 990?

The Hanley Foundation has been a pillar of the Palm Beach community for 40 years, supporting the work of the Hanley Center, and now more broadly, the state of Florida. We have a stellar history of raising funds and effectively using them for programming that is both exceptionally delivered, and fiscally responsible. We have the strictest internal policies regarding donor information. Every year, we undergo both a regular audit as well as an additional single audit, to ensure the highest compliance with both state and federal rules and regulations, and our own exacting standards.

A copy of our current IRS Form 990 may be downloaded here.

Where can I find a copy of your most recent annual report? 

You can download our most recent annual report here.

When can I expect my donation acknowledgment?

If donating online you should receive an email immediately and a follow-up letter in the mail within two weeks.

I donated several weeks ago. Why haven’t I received an acknowledgment?

This is not normally the case, so please call us at (561)-268-2355 or email with as much information about your donation or event ticket sponsorship as possible.

I can’t find my acknowledgment. Can I have another one?

We can send you a copy of your acknowledgment.  Please call us at (561)-268-2355 or email