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Hi! My name is Heather Estelle, and I am a Prevention Specialist for Hanley Foundation in Manatee County, where I teach Active Parenting classes.

My husband and I have two teenage children, a daughter who is focused on dance, and a son who is a black belt in martial arts.

We love watching movies, eating together, and going to my parents’ cabin in North Carolina to relax, go on short hikes, and do 24 hour movie marathons.

One important life skill that we have tried to teach our children over the years is cooking and food preparation. When they were young, they would don their cute little apron or chef’s hat, and help make salads, and measure and stir ingredients. Over time, we helped them transition to being responsible to find and prepare one meal each week for the family.

Currently, our daughter, who will soon be on her own, is also using our weekly shopping list and budgeted grocery money to purchase the groceries for the week from various stores. Teaching your kids a bigger skill like this takes time and effort, but is so worth it. What important life skills have you worked on with your children?