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Reviewed By Hanley Foundation Prevention Specialist Lorrie van Voorthuijsen

Not your typical “how-to-raise-your-kids” book, Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv was the book that was a great resource once my boys reached school age. Bitten by the “environmental bug” because of my 9th-grade biology teacher, as a parent, I supplemented my boys’ education by encouraging a love of the outdoors, with a bent toward environmental advocacy –  a passion that may be tantamount to their children’s survival as they grow to be adults. 

We read portions of the book together, and our whole family enjoyed the Field Guide activities in the book (2008 edition). We enhanced our experiences by participating in the activities provided by the Chinsegut Conservation Center – local wildlife and environmental management area. Check out the book and your local Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ( for an education on the “wild” side.