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 Martha Putnam, Hanley Center Foundation, Coordinator of Adult Programs

teenage girls talking

This week across America schools are participating in Red Ribbon Week, a national campaign to inform youth and families about drug prevention.

Alcohol and drug prevention needs to be more than a one-time conversation.  Ask your teen open-ended questions. My two teenage daughters and I have regular conversations about what they hear kids doing at school or parties.  I am then able to give them factual information and combat the myths they hear from others.

The best place to have these conversations for me is in the car.  Generally, we have a 15-20 minute car ride to wherever we are going so the conversations can be short and sweet- but they happen often.

For more information for parents or teens and this year’s theme for Red Ribbon week— 

What creative ways do you have conversations with your teens? Make sure to leave your ideas in on our Facebook post. #MomSays