Martha Putnam, Hanley Center Foundation, Coordinator of Adult Programs
Family time is time well spent!
Well, last week we got 2 whole days of special family time- while we were waiting for Hurricane Matthew to blow through. When I went to the store the shelves were empty of bread, water and flashlights— but I was there for new board games and card games.
We had an adventurous car ride to ride the storm out at grandma’s house. We also had Aunt Louise who is in her 80’s—so 4 generations together for two days! We played games including hide and seek, board games and our favorite—Pinochle.
My pictures today is of our daughter Paige (6) running around the house looking for her great-great aunt Louise who was hiding under the table How does your family celebrate with multiple generations?
Make sure to leave your suggestions on our Facebook post #MomSays