This research-based program builds on the findings of successful prevention programs and applies these techniques to interventions in a way that effectively reduces risk factors related to substance use and enhances protective factors.
About the Program
Teen Intervene is designed as a comprehensive screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) model of care. This widely used approach to care is a primary tool for identifying risky substance use behaviors and providing appropriate intervention techniques.
Designed for teens who’ve experienced mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol or drugs, the Teen Intervene program allows teenagers to work one-to-one with an addiction treatment counselor to identify choices and change behaviors.
Leveraging Prevention Principles in Intervention
The Teen Intervene program is based on the following proven prevention principles:
- Increasing perception risk of harm
- Changing adolescents’ norms and expectations about substance use
- Building and enhancing social resistance skills
- Changing community norms and values regarding substance use
- Fostering resilience and protective factors, especially in high-risk youth
The three-session program involves at-risk youth in the initial two sessions and brings in a parent or guardian for the third and final session.
Helping Teens Make Healthier Choices
For teens who may have experimented with drugs or alcohol, but aren’t yet addicted, a simple intervention can provide valuable education that can promote healthy decision-making for years to come.
This research-based intervention program helps teens identify the driving factors behind their choice to use alcohol or drugs, thoughtfully examine the effects in their lives, and learn how to make better choices.
With early interventions, parents and caregivers can support teens and help them gain valuable skills that will help them navigate complex social situations and learn how to make safe and responsible choices surrounding alcohol and drugs. Additionally, these interventions provide teens with the opportunity to build strong relationships with peers and develop effective communication patterns which can set the foundation for a successful future.
Personalized Intervention
With an emphasis on personal discovery and honest self-assessment, the Teen Intervene program helps teens, together with their counselors, identify the reasons behind their risky behaviors so they can better understand them, and ultimately change them.
Getting Help
Are you concerned about a teen in your life who has used drugs or alcohol? To begin the screening process or to learn more about Teen Intervene, contact us.
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